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发布:2019-3-24 18:48  浏览:1569





2010 年,立邦中国启动以“立邦,永续大地精‘彩’”(ECOLOR)为核心精神的企业社会责任计划,将“ECO(绿色、生态)”和“COLOR(色彩)”相结合,以自然、经济、责任三大循环为使命,宣示全力开发低碳环保涂料,并将全面落实员工关怀、1+3 计划、为爱上色、绿色行动和社区关怀五大企业社会责任项目,致力环境生态平衡,永续大地精“彩”,与消费者、环境携手共创可持续未来。




About Nippon Paint China


Nippon Paint China is an affiliated companyof Nipsea Group. It entered the China market in 1992 is committed tobeautify protect people’s life by manufacturing quality productsproviding beautiful colors in all parts of China. It has become the leader inthe Chinese coating industry among the top paint manufacturers in the world.As a comprehensive professional service provider in the painting industry,Nippon Paint has been continuously striving to facilitate technology researchand development to enrich product portfolio, so as to offer more options inpainting functions, painting effects, eco-friendly properties, services forChinese customers clients, to meet maximum social market demands.In the comprehensive spectrum of business, Nippon Paint comes out top inarchitectural coating, project coating, auto coating, auto refinish coating,industrial coating, coil coating, protective coating powder coatingindustries. Landmark signatures such as the Shanghai Expo venues, the BeijingOlympic Games venues, the Guangzhou Asian Games venues the new CCTV building,all of these radiate with the protection of Nippon Paint. Nippon Paint isgradually gaining trust attention since it has lighted up people’s life.

Its subsidiaries in China include NipponPaint China Holdings Co.,Ltd, Nippon Paint (China) Co., Ltd, Langfang Nippon PaintCo., Ltd, Nippon Paint (Tianjin) Co., Ltd, Guangzhou Nippon Paint Co., Ltd,Nippon Paint (Chengdu) Co., Ltd,YSL Paint(Suzhou) Co., Ltd, Nippon Paint(Changzhou) Co.,Ltd Nippon Paint (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd, Nippon Paint(Foshan)Co.,Ltd, Nippon Paint Industrial Coatings (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd, Nippon Paint(Hebei) Co.,Ltd, BK&NP Automotive Coatings (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd, Nippon Paint(Shenyang) Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Supe Chemical Coatings Co.,Ltd.

In 2010, Nippon Paint China launched the CSRproject centering ECOLOR that integrates ECO COLOR, sets forth thethree segments, environmental protection, economy corp. responsibility,as our mission. In this project, Nippon Paint China marched towards low-carbonfootprint environmentally friendly paints while implementing the five majorCSR projects, namely“Employee Care”, “1+3Project”, “Color, Way of Love”, “Green Movement”and “Society Care”, pledging to work for a more balanced ecosystem a morefriendly world. Hand in hand with consumers our environment, Nippon Paintis determined to create a sustainable environmental future.


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